All A1, A2, B1 Senses

LINK: All of A1, A2, B2 senses
LINK: Unfinished A1, A2, B2
Number of senses TO CHECK: 0/5076
Word Sense title Level Edit
garage garage (BUSINESS) B1 link
garage garage (BUILDING) A2 link
garbage garbage (THINGS THROWN AWAY) B1 link
garden garden (LAND) A1 link
garlic garlic A2 link
gas gas (FUEL) B1 link
gas gas (LIQUID FUEL) A2 link
gas station gas station A2 link
gate gate (AIRPORT) B1 link
gate gate (STRUCTURE) A2 link
gay gay B1 link
general general (NOT DETAILED) B1 link
general in general B1 link
generally generally (USUALLY) B1 link
generation generation (PEOPLE) B1 link
generous generous (WILLING TO GIVE) B1 link
gentle gentle (NOT STRONG) B1 link
gentle gentle (KIND) B1 link
geography geography A2 link
get get (OBTAIN) A1 link