generation · n
generation (TIME)
B2 a period of about 25 to 30 years, the time it takes for children to become adults and take the place of their parents in society
Dictionary examples:
Our family has lived in this village for generations. (22.7)
A generation ago, home computers were almost unknown. (30.5)
generation (PRODUCT)
B2 a product when it is at a particular stage of development
Dictionary examples:
a new generation of computers (16.0)
generation (ENERGY)
B2 the production of energy in a particular form
Dictionary examples:
electricity generation from wind and wave power (33.2)
generation (PEOPLE)
B1 all the people in a society or family who are approximately the same age
Dictionary examples:
The TikTok generation thinks our generation's dance moves are embarrassingly uncool. (0.0)
The emoji generation and our generation speak different languages sometimes! (0.0)
My generation's first computer was huge, not tiny like today's phones! (0.0)
the older/younger generation (15.3)
This is the story of three generations of women. (27.9)