gate · n
A2 the part of a fence or outside wall that opens and closes like a door
Dictionary examples:
My dog can open the gate, but he can't close it. (0.0)
I forgot to close the gate, now there are ducks in my garden! (0.0)
The cow jumped over the gate and said 'Moo!' (0.0)
Please close the gate. (29.0)
gate (AIRPORT)
B1 a part of an airport where passengers get on or off an aircraft
Dictionary examples:
I ran so fast to the gate, my shoes flew off! (0.0)
I arrived at the gate so early, even the cleaners weren't there! (0.0)
I missed my gate announcement because I was busy eating a sandwich! (0.0)
The flight to Dublin is now boarding at gate 8. (36.0)