garage · n
garage (BUSINESS)
B1 a business that repairs cars, and sometimes also sells fuel
Dictionary examples:
I took my bicycle to the garage. They gave it a car engine! (0.0)
My car went to the garage and came back speaking French! (0.0)
The garage fixed my car's horn. Now it sings opera! (0.0)
The car's still at the garage getting fixed. (25.5)
garage (BUILDING)
A2 a small building, often next to a house, that you can put a car in
Dictionary examples:
My brother turned our garage into a pizza restaurant! (0.0)
I found treasure in my garage - old comic books! (0.0)
My dad's garage is so messy, we lost him in there! (0.0)
Did you put the car in the garage? (23.4)