All A1, A2, B1 Senses

LINK: All of A1, A2, B2 senses
LINK: Unfinished A1, A2, B2
Number of senses TO CHECK: 0/5076
Word Sense title Level Edit
cough cough B1 link
could could (SUGGESTION) B1 link
could could (POSSIBLY HAPPEN) B1 link
could could (PAST ABILITY) A2 link
could could (ASK PERMISSION) B1 link
could could (REQUEST) A2 link
count count (SAY NUMBERS) B1 link
count count (SEE HOW MANY) B1 link
count noun count noun B1 link
country country A1 link
country the country A2 link
countryside countryside B1 link
couple couple (TWO PEOPLE) B1 link
couple couple (SOME) B1 link
course course (MEAL) A2 link
course of course B1 link
course of course not A2 link
course course (CLASSES) A1 link
course course (SPORTS AREA) B1 link
course of course A1 link