could · modal
could have
B2 used to talk about things that possibly happened in the past or might possibly have happened by some time in the future
Dictionary examples:
She could have been killed. (7.3)
Let's go to the coast anyway - the rain could have stopped by the time we get there. (26.6)
couldn't have
B2 used to express certainty that something in the past was impossible or didn't happen
Dictionary examples:
He couldn't have damaged your bike - he was with me all evening. (24.0)
That book couldn't have been on sale last week - it only come out today! (25.1)
A2 used as the past form of "can" to talk about what someone or something was able to do
Dictionary examples:
In school, I could sleep with my eyes open during boring classes. (0.0)
My brother could speak three languages, but he couldn't tie his shoelaces. (0.0)
Before smartphones, people could remember phone numbers easily. (0.0)
When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired. (24.0)
It was so noisy that we couldn't hear ourselves talk. (31.3)
could (REQUEST)
A2 used as a more polite form of "can" when asking someone to provide something or do something
Dictionary examples:
Could you show me how to tie my shoes? I'm 30. (0.0)
Could you teach me how to speak dolphin? (0.0)
Could you help me catch my runaway toupee? (0.0)
Could you lend me $5? (16.3)
Could you turn the music down a little, please? (36.7)
B1 used as a more polite form of "can" when asking for permission
Dictionary examples:
Could I borrow your time machine? I forgot my homework in 1995. (0.0)
Could I use your teleporter? I'm late for a meeting on Mars. (0.0)
Could I borrow your x-ray glasses? I can't find my keys. (0.0)
Excuse me, could I just say something here? (14.4)
Could I speak to Mr. Davis, please? (25.7)
B1 used to talk about what will possibly happen or is possibly true
Dictionary examples:
I could win the lottery and buy a pet elephant! (0.0)
My homework could do itself if I wish hard enough. (0.0)
Aliens could visit Earth just to try our ice cream. (0.0)
A lot of crime could be prevented. (21.5)
She could arrive any time now. (21.6)
This new drug could be an important step in the fight against cancer. (36.9)
B1 used for making a suggestion
Dictionary examples:
We could dress up as bananas for the party. It's a-peeling! (0.0)
We could have a staring contest with the cat. I bet we'd win! (0.0)
You could learn to juggle eggs. It's eggciting but messy! (0.0)
You could always call Susie and see if she would babysit. (21.8)
We could go for a drink after work tomorrow, if you like. (31.9)