course · n
course of action
C1 something that you can do in a particular situation
Dictionary examples:
I think the best course of action would be to write to him. (21.9)
during/in/over the course of sth
C1 during a particular time or activity
Dictionary examples:
He always chats with waiters and waitresses and becomes their best friends during the course of dinner. (37.1)
course (ROUTE)
C1 the route that a car, ship, aircraft, etc., is following or the route a river flows along
Dictionary examples:
During the storm, the boat was blown off course. (29.8)
a matter of course
C1 If something happens as a matter of course, it always happens as part of the normal process or system.
Dictionary examples:
Babies were tested for the disease as a matter of course. (57.6)
C2 the way something develops, usually over a long time
Dictionary examples:
Nuclear weapons have changed the course of modern history. (60.7)
course (CLASSES)
A1 a set of classes or a plan of study in a particular subject, usually a part of a program of study for a diploma, certificate, or degree
Dictionary examples:
My dog joined a barking course. (0.0)
I need a not-falling-asleep-in-class course. (0.0)
I'm in a course for eating pizza. (0.0)
a writing/math/English, etc. course (10.7)
Judy is taking an online course in medical records management. (38.3)
Mike's six-month paralegal course ends in December. (47.8)
Which course did you register for/enroll in? (52.9)
course (MEAL)
A2 a part of a meal which is served separately from the other parts
Dictionary examples:
My dog ate my dessert course before I could! (0.0)
I thought the soup course was a drink! (0.0)
The waiter forgot my first course, so I started with dessert! (0.0)
a four-course lunch (4.4)
For my main course, I had fish. (18.0)
of course not
A2 used to say "no" and emphasize your answer
Dictionary examples:
"Can I use my phone during the exam?" "Of course not!" (0.0)
"Can I skip homework and play video games instead?" "Of course not!" (0.0)
"Can I wear pajamas to the job interview?" "Of course not!" (0.0)
"Do you mind if I borrow your pen?" "Of course not." (25.6)
course (SPORTS AREA)
B1 an area of land or water used for a sports event
Dictionary examples:
The obstacle course was so tricky, even the instructor got lost! (0.0)
The cycling course went through a donut shop. No one finished! (0.0)
The marathon course ended at a pizza place. Runners suddenly got energy! (0.0)
a golf course (7.1)
of course
B1 used to show that what you are saying is obvious or already known
Dictionary examples:
Of course I'm not wearing pants during this video call! (0.0)
Of course I'm ready for the test. I slept on my textbook! (0.0)
Of course I can cook. I make the best toast in town! (0.0)
Of course, the Olympics are not just about money. (9.8)
of course
A1 used to say "yes" and emphasize your answer
Dictionary examples:
"Can I eat cake?" "Of course!" (0.0)
"Do fish swim?" "Of course!" (0.0)
"Is the sky blue?" "Of course!" (0.0)
"Can you help me?" "Of course!" (7.8)