worst · n
worst of all
B2 used to emphasize the worst thing, situation, etc.
Dictionary examples:
We had no food or light, but worst of all, we had no water. (18.1)
fear the worst
C2 to worry that something very bad will happen or that something very bad has happened
Dictionary examples:
When there was no sign of the children, the rescuers feared the worst. (61.7)
B1 the most unpleasant or difficult thing, person, or situation
Dictionary examples:
The worst was explaining to my boss why I was wearing pajamas to work. (0.0)
The worst was when my pants fell down during my important presentation. (0.0)
The worst was when I accidentally called my teacher 'Mom' in class. (0.0)
That was the worst I've seen him play in several years. (13.5)