wish · n
wish (WANT)
B2 what you want to do or what you want to happen
Dictionary examples:
The hospital always tries to respect the wishes of its patients. (30.9)
Did he express any wish to see me? (31.1)
It was his greatest wish that one of his grandchildren would become a doctor. (42.0)
wish (SECRET)
C2 something that you say secretly to yourself about what you want to have or happen
Dictionary examples:
She closed her eyes and made a wish. (20.3)
best wishes
A2 something that you write at the end of a letter
Dictionary examples:
Silly wishes! May your Wi-Fi always be strong. (0.0)
Crazy wishes! May your pizza always arrive hot and fast. (0.0)
Warm wishes and a hug from your favorite potato! (0.0)
With best wishes, Anna (14.1)