this · pron
this and that
C2 different things that are not very important
Dictionary examples:
"What are you doing today?" "Oh, just this and that." (22.1)
this (CAN BE SEEN)
A2 used to refer to something or someone that can be seen or pointed to
Dictionary examples:
This is my homework. The dog really ate it! (0.0)
This is my pet rock. It doesn't eat much. (0.0)
Is this your banana phone? It's ringing! (0.0)
How did this get here? (9.3)
Whose glasses are these? (17.4)
This is the cafe I was telling you about. (48.5)
A2 used to refer to something that you have already talked about
Dictionary examples:
You failed the test? This is why we study, my friend. (0.0)
You're always late? This is why we tell you the wrong time! (0.0)
You ate all the cake? This is why we can't have nice things! (0.0)
What's this we've heard about you moving to Scotland? (17.9)
I've had enough of this! (18.5)
This is why you should always lock your bike up. (34.0)
A2 used to refer to something that is happening or something that you are doing
Dictionary examples:
This is how you text while sleeping. (0.0)
This is how you eat soup with chopsticks! (0.0)
Is this how you brush teeth with a broom? (0.0)
This is how you prepare the fish. (11.8)
Is this the first time you've been to London? (13.9)