thanks · exclamation
A1 thank you
Dictionary examples:
Thanks! You saved me from falling. (0.0)
Thanks! My hair was too long. (0.0)
Thanks for the pizza, Mr. Cat! (0.0)
Can you pass me that book? Thanks very much. (18.2)
Thanks for the advice. (22.4)
no thanks
A2 used to refuse an offer politely
Dictionary examples:
"Fancy a trip to the moon?" "Thanks, but Earth is nice this time of year." (0.0)
"Skydiving lessons?" "Thanks, but I prefer my feet on the ground." (0.0)
"Free hugs?" "Thanks, but I'm allergic to kindness." (0.0)
"Would you like a drink?" "No thanks, I've just had one." (26.9)