teach · v
teach sb a lesson
C2 to punish someone so that they will not behave badly again
Dictionary examples:
The next time she's late, go without her. That should teach her a lesson. (13.2)
A1 to give lessons in a particular subject at a school, university, etc.
Dictionary examples:
I teach dogs to dance salsa. (0.0)
He teaches cats to bark. (0.0)
She teaches fish to swim backwards. (0.0)
Both her parents taught. (5.4)
She teaches chemistry. (10.4)
He teaches English to foreign students. (16.2)
teach (SHOW HOW TO)
A2 to show or explain to someone how to do something
Dictionary examples:
Please teach me how to look smart in meetings. (0.0)
Can you teach me how to say 'no' to free food? (0.0)
Please teach me how to look busy while doing nothing. (0.0)
My dad taught me to drive. (14.1)
Can you teach me how to knit? (16.9)
B1 If a situation teaches you something, it gives you new knowledge or helps you to understand something.
Dictionary examples:
Oversleeping on his first day taught Bob to set multiple alarms. (0.0)
Mistaking wasabi for guacamole taught Lisa to always read food labels carefully. (0.0)
Wearing new shoes to a dance party taught Emma the importance of comfort. (0.0)
The whole experience taught him to be more careful with money. (19.1)