taste · v
B1 to put food or drink in your mouth to find out what flavor it has
Dictionary examples:
I tasted the soup and regretted not buying a fire extinguisher. (0.0)
She tasted the coffee and wondered if it was brewed in a dirty shoe. (0.0)
I tasted the pizza and asked if they'd accidentally used cardboard as the base. (0.0)
Whatever's this? I've never tasted anything like it. (20.5)
Taste this sauce and tell me if it needs any salt. (24.0)
taste good/bad/sweet, etc.
B1 to have a particular flavor
Dictionary examples:
The mystery meat in the cafeteria tastes like sadness and rubber. (0.0)
My brother's cooking tastes like a science experiment gone wrong. (0.0)
This fancy water tastes like regular water with a top hat. (0.0)
This sauce tastes strange. (19.7)
The bread tastes of onions. (22.4)
This coffee tastes like dishwater! (52.1)