silence · n
silence (NO SOUND)
B1 when there is no sound
Dictionary examples:
The silence in the exam room was interrupted by someone's growling stomach. (0.0)
The silence in the classroom was broken by a sudden sneeze explosion. (0.0)
The librarian's deadly stare created instant silence in the noisy room. (0.0)
The three men ate in silence. (24.1)
A loud crash of thunder broke the silence of the night. (44.4)
silence (PERIOD OF TIME)
B2 a period of time in which there is complete quiet or no speaking
Dictionary examples:
There were long silences during the discussion. (25.5)
silence (NO TALKING)
C2 a period of time when someone says nothing about a particular subject or when someone does not communicate with someone at all
Dictionary examples:
I took his long silence to mean that I had offended him. (43.5)
She ended her silence yesterday and spoke to a TV reporter about the accident. (60.3)