side · n
B2 a part of someone's character
Dictionary examples:
She has a very practical side. (26.1)
side by side
B2 If two things or people are side by side, they are next to each other.
Dictionary examples:
We sat side by side on the sofa. (15.9)
from side to side
B2 If something moves from side to side, it moves from left to right and back again repeatedly.
Dictionary examples:
swinging from side to side (23.6)
B2 one of the people or groups who are arguing, fighting, or competing
Dictionary examples:
Don't be angry with me - I'm on your side. (15.1)
Whose side is he on? (19.5)
This is a war which neither side can win. (25.3)
Whenever we argue he always takes Alice's side . (33.4)
side (OPINION)
B2 a way of considering something, especially when there is disagreement about it
Dictionary examples:
There are at least two sides to every question. (34.0)
I've listened to your side of the story, but I still think you were wrong to do what you did. (34.4)
look on the bright side
C1 to find good things in a bad situation
Dictionary examples:
Look on the bright side - no one was badly hurt. (17.9)
put sth to one side
C2 to not use or deal with something now, but keep it for a later time
Dictionary examples:
She put the papers to one side, intending to read them later. (33.1)
on the side
C1 A food served on the side is served separate from the other foods.
Dictionary examples:
I’ll have the salad with the dressing on the side. (15.3)
on the side
C2 in addition to your main job
Dictionary examples:
She does some freelance work on the side. (45.9)
C2 the part of your family who are either your mother's relatives or your father's relatives
Dictionary examples:
They tend to be tall on my mother's side of the family. (31.4)
side (BODY)
C2 the two areas of your body from under your arms to the tops of your legs
Dictionary examples:
Stand with your arms by your sides. (23.1)
She lay on her side. (26.2)
at/by your side
C2 If you have someone at/by your side, they support you and help you.
Dictionary examples:
With Dan at my side, I felt I could do anything. (15.6)
side (SURFACE)
A2 a flat outer surface of an object, especially one that is not the top or the bottom
Dictionary examples:
I wrote my shopping list on the side of a banana. (0.0)
I stuck a 'Do not disturb' sign on the side of my head. (0.0)
My cat loves sleeping on the side of the fridge. (0.0)
The names of ships are usually painted on their sides. (18.8)
My room is at the side of the house. (24.0)
Please use the side entrance. (29.9)
Please write on one side of the paper only. (30.3)
Canadian coins have a picture of the Queen's head on one side. (56.0)
side (EDGE)
A2 an edge or border of something
Dictionary examples:
My dog chewed all four sides of my homework! (0.0)
The pizza was so big, its sides hung off the table! (0.0)
I cut the sides of my hair, but forgot the top! (0.0)
There are trees on both sides of the road. (9.1)
A square has four sides. (10.7)
They were surrounded on every side by curious children. (35.9)
side (NEXT TO)
B1 the area next to something
Dictionary examples:
My imaginary friend always stands by my side during job interviews. (0.0)
I keep a chocolate cake at the side of my treadmill for motivation. (0.0)
I keep a fire extinguisher at the side of my barbecue grill. (0.0)
I have a small table at/by the side of my bed. (26.8)
He stood at/by her side as she welcomed the guests one by one. (28.4)
side (PART)
A2 one of the two parts that something would divide into if you drew a line down the middle
Dictionary examples:
The teacher wrote on the wrong side of the whiteboard. (0.0)
My brother always takes the bigger side of the cake. (0.0)
My dad always sits on the side of the couch near the TV remote. (0.0)
Children came running from all sides. (10.8)
I could just see Joan on the far/other side of the room. (18.2)
There is no money on my mother's side (of the family). (18.9)
In Britain, cars drive on the left side of the road. (26.3)
He likes to sleep on the right side of the bed. (36.4)
B2 part of a situation that can be considered or dealt with separately
Dictionary examples:
She looks after the financial side of things. (16.4)