reader · n
reader (BOOK)
B1 a book containing a simple story for people who are learning to read or learning a language
Dictionary examples:
The beginner's reader was so easy, even my pet rock finished it! (0.0)
I bought a language reader, but it only taught me how to order pizza! (0.0)
The intermediate reader taught me to say 'Help, my shoe is on fire!' (0.0)
There are readers at five different levels, from beginner to upper intermediate. (39.9)
reader (PERSON)
B1 someone who reads
Dictionary examples:
The excited reader hugged the librarian after finding a rare book. (0.0)
The speed reader finished 'War and Peace' during a coffee break. (0.0)
The enthusiastic reader built a fort out of his favorite books. (0.0)
He's a great reader. (13.1)
He's a very slow/fast reader. (29.2)
Many readers of our magazine have contacted us about the last issue on climate change. (43.5)