read · v
read between the lines
C2 If you read between the lines, you understand what something really means when it hasn't been directly said or written.
Dictionary examples:
Reading between the lines, it was obvious that something was wrong. (32.0)
read (WORDS)
A1 to look at words and understand what they mean
Dictionary examples:
They read books underwater. (0.0)
I read my cat's diary. (0.0)
I read my dog's shopping list. (0.0)
I've read three books this month. (10.4)
I can't read his handwriting. (15.9)
Some children can read by the age of four. (16.1)
I read about the family's success in the local paper. (22.1)
I read that there are plans to update the community swimming pool. (38.8)
read (SAY)
A2 to look at words that are written and say them aloud for other people to listen to
Dictionary examples:
She reads her homework to her dog. (0.0)
He reads his report card to his teddy bear. (0.0)
I read my shopping list to my cat. (0.0)
She read her poem out loud. (19.4)
Do you want me to read the directions to you? (20.0)
I read him a story at bedtime. (52.2)