powerful · adj
powerful (CONTROL)
B1 A powerful person is able to control and influence people and events.
Dictionary examples:
The powerful chef made everyone eat vegetables, even the president. (0.0)
The powerful DJ made even the teachers dance at prom. (0.0)
The powerful grandmother made everyone eat seconds, thirds, and fourths. (0.0)
a powerful man/woman (49.5)
powerful (EFFECT)
B2 having a strong effect on people
Dictionary examples:
a powerful effect/influence (27.1)
powerful (STRENGTH)
B1 having a lot of strength or force
Dictionary examples:
The powerful glue stuck my hand to my forehead for hours! (0.0)
My grandma's powerful sneeze blew away her false teeth! (0.0)
The powerful magnet pulled all the spoons off the table! (0.0)
a powerful computer/engine/weapon (27.9)