operate · v
operate (MACHINE)
B2 If a machine operates, it does what it is designed to do, and if you operate it, you make it do what it is designed to do.
Dictionary examples:
How do you operate the remote control? (37.0)
You have to be trained to operate the machinery. (40.8)
These new sewing machines are easy to operate. (46.0)
B2 If an organization or business operates, it is working, and if you operate it, you manage it and make it work.
Dictionary examples:
Our company is operating under very difficult conditions. (27.3)
operate (TREATMENT)
B1 to treat an illness or injury by cutting someone's body and removing or repairing part of it
Dictionary examples:
The vet operated on my cat. Now it barks! (0.0)
They operated on my brain, but found nothing inside! (0.0)
The doctor operated on my singing voice. Now I sound like a frog! (0.0)
Did they have to operate on him? (20.6)