once · adv
at once
B2 immediately
Dictionary examples:
I knew at once that I'd like it here. (29.0)
at once
B2 at the same time
Dictionary examples:
They all started talking at once. (17.1)
for once
B2 used to mean that something is happening that does not usually happen
Dictionary examples:
The bus came on time for once! (11.6)
(every) once in a while
B2 sometimes but not often
Dictionary examples:
We do go to the beach once in a while. (20.5)
all at once
C1 suddenly
Dictionary examples:
All at once he stood up and walked out of the room. (27.8)
once (ONE TIME)
A2 one single time
Dictionary examples:
I tried speaking French once. Even I didn't understand myself. (0.0)
I tried cooking once. The fire department came for dinner. (0.0)
My brother tried magic once. He made his homework disappear forever. (0.0)
I go swimming once a week. (11.7)
Once a year we all meet up. (13.2)
We have lunch together once a month. (14.2)
I went sailing once, but I didn't like it. (22.3)
once (PAST)
B1 in the past, but not now
Dictionary examples:
I once thought vegetables grew on trees. My parents laughed for days. (0.0)
I once tried to teach my cat to bark. It didn't work. (0.0)
My brother once tried to mail himself to Disneyland. It didn't work. (0.0)
This house once belonged to my grandfather. (35.4)
Computers are much cheaper now than they once were. (57.5)
once and for all
C2 completely and finally
Dictionary examples:
We have to decide, once and for all, whether we want to ask Dad for money. (34.4)
once more
B1 one more time
Dictionary examples:
I failed my driving test. Can I crash the car once more? (0.0)
I dropped my ice cream. Can I lick the floor once more? (0.0)
My socks smell terrible. Let me wear them once more! (0.0)
I'd like to visit the gardens once more before we leave. (24.9)
once again
B1 again
Dictionary examples:
Once again, I'm late because my bed wouldn't let me go. (0.0)
I dropped my ice cream. Once again, I'm the clumsy clown! (0.0)
Once again, my computer is taking a nap when I need it most. (0.0)
Once again I'm left with all the dirty dishes! (16.6)
once upon a time
B1 used at the beginning of a story to mean a long time ago
Dictionary examples:
Once upon a time, a sneaky cat learned to use a smartphone. (0.0)
Once upon a time, a talking fish became a famous TV host. (0.0)
Once upon a time, a lazy dragon ordered pizza delivery to its cave. (0.0)
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. (27.6)