offer · v
offer (AGREE TO PAY)
C1 to say that you will pay a particular amount of money
Dictionary examples:
Police have offered a $1,000 reward for information. (20.6)
I offered him $1200 for the car. (21.3)
A2 to say that you are willing to do something
Dictionary examples:
My brother offered to eat my vegetables. What a hero! (0.0)
My friend offered to find my lost socks. They're all heroes! (0.0)
I offered to teach my cat to bark, but she wasn't interested. (0.0)
Paul has offered to help us pack. (14.6)
"I'll do the cooking," he offered. (16.0)
offer (ASK)
B1 to ask someone if they would like something
Dictionary examples:
The airline offered me a parachute for the flight. I hoped it was just a joke. (0.0)
The clown offered me a balloon animal. I asked for a giraffe-elephant hybrid. (0.0)
My grandma offered me her old flip phone. I pretended it was a spaceship. (0.0)
Can I offer you a drink? (11.8)
They've offered me a job. (13.2)
Someone should offer that man a seat. (27.9)
I feel bad that I didn't offer them something to eat. (29.0)
offer (PROVIDE)
B1 to give or provide something
Dictionary examples:
My brother offered to clean my room. What's he planning? (0.0)
The clown offered to juggle my homework instead of doing it. (0.0)
The gym offered me a lifetime membership. My couch disagreed. (0.0)
to offer advice (11.2)
Did he offer any explanation for his strange behavior? (25.3)
We are now offering you the chance/opportunity to buy the complete set of DVDs at half price. (64.3)