need · v
There needs to be sth
C2 used to say that something is necessary
Dictionary examples:
There needs to be more funding for education in this country. (39.8)
need (MUST HAVE)
A1 If you need something, you must have it.
Dictionary examples:
I need sleep. My eyes are closing! (0.0)
I need coffee. My brain is sleeping! (0.0)
You need a hat. Your head is red! (0.0)
I need some new shoes. (5.1)
I badly need a break from all this. (15.7)
He needs an operation. (18.1)
I need you to help me choose an outfit. (45.4)
Babies need constant care. (64.5)
B1 If something needs something to be done to it, that thing should be done in order to improve it.
Dictionary examples:
This pizza needs more pineapple, said no one ever. (0.0)
This joke needs more laughter. Let me tell it again! (0.0)
My brain needs a vacation. It's been working overtime! (0.0)
She needs to wash her hair. (13.5)
The car needs to be serviced. (21.9)
This room needs brightening up a bit. (47.5)
need to do sth
A1 If you need to do something, it is necessary to do it.
Dictionary examples:
We need to count all the stars. (0.0)
You need to hug your pillow. (0.0)
She needs to brush her teeth. (0.0)
I need to wash my socks. (0.0)
We need to tickle the cat. (0.0)
I need to go to the bathroom. (7.9)
Do we need to go with her? (8.8)
I need to do some shopping on my way home from work. (16.3)
don't need to do sth/needn't do sth
A2 used in order to say that someone does not have to do something or should not do something
Dictionary examples:
You needn't wear a swimsuit to a job interview. (0.0)
You needn't brush your teeth with ketchup. (0.0)
You don't need to bring a spoon to a haircut. (0.0)
You needn't bring any food. (9.9)
I can get there myself so you don't need to take me. (14.9)