hero · n
B1 the main male character in a book or movie, who is usually good
Dictionary examples:
The movie's hero always saved the day but couldn't remember where he parked his car. (0.0)
The book's hero could read minds but always forgot people's names. (0.0)
The hero of the movie kept tripping over his cape and falling off buildings. (0.0)
the hero of her latest novel (22.6)
B1 someone who does something brave or good, which people respect or admire them for
Dictionary examples:
The classroom hero volunteered to present first - what courage! (0.0)
The office hero fixed the printer with just a paperclip! (0.0)
The cafeteria hero dared to try the mystery meat - and survived! (0.0)
They consider her a hero. (24.1)
a war hero (27.6)
Graham says he'll take my parents to the airport at four o'clock in the morning - what a hero! (29.5)
He became a national hero for his part in the revolution. (39.3)