heavy · adj
heavy (FORCE)
C2 using a lot of force
Dictionary examples:
a heavy blow (36.6)
heavy breathing (44.0)
with a heavy heart
C2 If you do or say something with a heavy heart, you feel very sad or anxious
Dictionary examples:
It was with a heavy heart that he packed his bags and left his home of many years. (26.9)
heavy (HOW MUCH)
A2 used to ask how much someone or something weighs
Dictionary examples:
How heavy is your homework? I can't lift it! (0.0)
How heavy is your phone? It's always in your hand! (0.0)
How heavy is your lunch box? Did you pack rocks? (0.0)
How heavy is your backpack? (11.3)
A2 Heavy objects or people weigh a lot.
Dictionary examples:
My homework is so heavy, I need a truck to school! (0.0)
The heavy book fell and made a hole in the floor! (0.0)
My dog ate so much, he's too heavy to jump now! (0.0)
heavy bags/suitcases (13.6)
heavy equipment (14.2)
Bob is much heavier than the last time I saw him. (15.3)
heavy (A LOT)
B1 large in amount or degree
Dictionary examples:
My phone has such heavy use, it's practically glued to my hand! (0.0)
The heavy smell of burnt toast always reminds me of my cooking skills. (0.0)
The heavy dust in my room is so thick, it's like a carpet! (0.0)
heavy rain/snow (8.3)
heavy traffic (22.5)
a heavy sleeper (44.0)