happily · adv
happily (WILLING)
B2 in a way that is very willing
Dictionary examples:
I'd happily offer to help him if I thought it would make any difference. (30.4)
happily (LUCKY)
C1 having a good or lucky result
Dictionary examples:
Happily, the operation was a complete success. (33.2)
happily (HAPPY)
B1 in a happy way
Dictionary examples:
The students happily threw their books in the air when school ended. (0.0)
He happily walked into the glass door, thinking it was open. (0.0)
The cat purred happily while sitting on the warm laptop keyboard. (0.0)
He was happily married with two young children. (28.9)
The baby sucked happily on a corner of her blanket. (56.9)