half · n
half (A LOT)
B2 a lot
Dictionary examples:
I don't even know where she is half (of) the time. (23.2)
She invited a lot of people to the party but half of them didn't show up. (35.0)
not half as good/bad/exciting, etc.
B2 to be much less good/bad/exciting, etc. than something else
Dictionary examples:
Her new book isn't half as good as the last one. (19.4)
half (PART)
A2 one of two equal parts of something
Dictionary examples:
I only did half my homework. The dog ate the other half. (0.0)
I ate half the cake and blamed the other half on my dog. (0.0)
I read half the book. The other half put me to sleep. (0.0)
Jenny lived in Beijing for a year and a half. (16.6)
It'll take half an hour/a half hour to get there. (16.6)
He cut up the apple and gave me half. (18.1)
Rice is eaten by half of the world's population. (24.4)
break/cut, etc. sth in half
B1 to divide something into two equal parts
Dictionary examples:
He split the bill in half, then realized he forgot his wallet. (0.0)
She tore the homework in half, claiming her dog ate the other part. (0.0)
She divided her time in half between studying and watching funny cat videos. (0.0)
Fold the piece of paper in half. (21.3)
Divide the dough in half and roll it out into two circles. (63.3)