hair · n
B2 one or more of the thin thread-like parts that grow on a person's or animal's skin
Dictionary examples:
My black skirt was covered in cat hair. (19.9)
He's starting to get a few gray hairs now. (29.2)
let your hair down
C2 to be very relaxed and enjoy yourself a lot
Dictionary examples:
I'd love to see Clare let her hair down for once. (22.2)
hair (ON HEAD)
A1 the thin, thread-like parts that grow on your head
Dictionary examples:
I brush my hair with a fork. (0.0)
The cat sleeps in my hair. (0.0)
I use glue to style my hair. (0.0)
I'm going to get my hair cut. (19.2)
curly/straight hair (24.1)
She has long/short/shoulder-length brown hair. (37.4)
blond/dark/fair/gray/red hair (57.8)