guest · n
guest (TV)
B2 a person, such as an entertainer, who has been invited to appear on a television or radio program or in a performance
Dictionary examples:
Our guest tonight is Robert de Niro. (13.4)
guest (VISITOR)
A2 someone who comes to visit you in your home, at a party, etc.
Dictionary examples:
The guest accidentally wore pajamas to the wedding. (0.0)
The guest ate all the cookies and fell asleep on the couch. (0.0)
Our guests brought their own beds to the sleepover party. (0.0)
We've got some guests coming this weekend. (12.6)
There were 90 guests at their wedding. (18.8)
guest (HOTEL)
A2 a person who is staying in a hotel
Dictionary examples:
The guest complained his room was too big and too cheap. (0.0)
The hotel guest asked if he could take the bed home. (0.0)
The guest tried to pay with smiles instead of money. (0.0)
We would like to remind all our guests to leave their keys at reception before they depart. (40.4)