group · n
group (MUSIC)
A1 a number of people who play music together, especially pop music
Dictionary examples:
The old group played very fast. (0.0)
The big group played small guitars. (0.0)
The boy group sang funny songs. (0.0)
a pop/rock group (8.0)
group (SET)
A1 a number of people or things that are together in one place or are connected
Dictionary examples:
A group of cats ate my homework! (0.0)
A group of pencils wrote a book. (0.0)
A group of bananas laughed at me. (0.0)
A group of chairs had a meeting. (0.0)
I'm meeting a group of friends for dinner tonight. (12.7)
The children are taught in different age groups. (17.4)
The group meet(s) every month. (41.7)