graduation · n
graduation (CEREMONY)
B1 a ceremony at which students are given a certificate stating a course of study has been successfully completed or a degree has been awarded
Dictionary examples:
At my graduation, I tripped on my gown and rolled across the stage. (0.0)
The graduation speaker fell asleep during his own speech. (0.0)
During graduation, my cap flew off and landed on the dean's head. (0.0)
We all went out to lunch after Casey's graduation. (20.5)
Ann decided not to go to graduation. (30.2)
graduation (COMPLETION)
B1 the successful completion of a course of study and awarding of a degree or certificate
Dictionary examples:
His graduation gift was a lifetime supply of instant noodles. (0.0)
After graduation, Tom realized his diploma was actually a pizza delivery menu. (0.0)
After graduation, he became a professional bubble wrap popper. (0.0)
high-school graduation (18.3)
What do you plan to do after graduation? (21.5)