give · v
give a performance/speech, etc.
B2 to perform or speak in public
Dictionary examples:
Tony gave a great speech to open the conference. (25.1)
give birth
B2 When a woman or an animal gives birth, she produces a baby from her body.
Dictionary examples:
She gave birth to twins. (23.9)
give rise to sth
C2 to cause something
Dictionary examples:
The bacteria live in the human body but do not give rise to any symptoms. (57.6)
give way
C2 If something gives way, it falls because it is not strong enough to support the weight on top of it.
Dictionary examples:
The wooden seats gave way under the weight of the crowd. (34.7)
give sb the benefit of the doubt
C2 to choose to believe what someone tells you even though it may be wrong or a lie
Dictionary examples:
She says her train was late, so I suppose we'd better give her the benefit of the doubt. (40.1)
give way to sth
B2 when one thing or feeling changes to a different one
Dictionary examples:
My excitement gave way to fear when I drove a car for the first time. (36.9)
give sb/have an edge on/over sb/sth
C2 to be slightly better than someone or something else
Dictionary examples:
Because of her experience she has an edge over the other applicants. (58.3)
give sb a hard time
C2 to criticize someone and make them feel guilty about something they have done
Dictionary examples:
Ever since I missed that catch, the other players have been giving me a hard time. (23.9)
give (PROVIDE)
A1 to provide someone with something
Dictionary examples:
He gave the dog his homework. (0.0)
I give you my last cookie. (0.0)
Give me a smile, not a frown. (0.0)
Can you give this book to Andrea? (10.2)
Her parents gave her a car for her birthday. (19.4)
Can you give me a date for another appointment? (26.7)
B1 to allow someone or something a particular amount of time
Dictionary examples:
Give me five minutes to put on my clown nose and giant shoes. (0.0)
Please give my homework ten more minutes to finish itself. (0.0)
Give me a second to put on my superhero cape. (0.0)
I'm nearly ready - just give me a few minutes. (25.6)
give (ALLOW)
B1 to allow someone to have a right or an opportunity
Dictionary examples:
The principal gave students the chance to teach the teachers for a day. (0.0)
My boss finally gave me permission to wear a clown nose at work. (0.0)
My girlfriend gave me one minute to explain why I forgot her birthday. (0.0)
We didn't really give him a chance to explain. (17.4)
give (CAUSE)
B1 to produce or cause something
Dictionary examples:
My attempt at cooking gave my family a reason to order pizza. (0.0)
The smell of my socks gave my roommate a reason to move out. (0.0)
His terrible joke gave everyone in the room a sudden urge to leave. (0.0)
What you said gives me an idea. (13.9)
The sudden noise gave me quite a shock. (40.1)
This announcement will give hope to millions of sufferers. (58.5)
give (PAY MONEY)
B1 to pay someone a particular amount of money for something
Dictionary examples:
I gave my sister $1 to clean my room. She only moved one sock! (0.0)
I gave my brother $5 to eat a worm. He did it! (0.0)
He gave $200 for a 'time machine'. It was just an old clock! (0.0)
I gave him $40 for his old camera. (9.6)
give (PUT NEAR)
A2 to put something near someone or in their hand so that they can use it or look at it
Dictionary examples:
Give me that book! I need to look smart for my date. (0.0)
Give me that plant! I want to look busy in this meeting. (0.0)
Please give me the remote. This show is making my brain melt! (0.0)
Can you give me that pen? (7.9)
He poured a cup of coffee and gave it to Isabel. (21.7)
give (TELL)
A2 to tell someone something
Dictionary examples:
Can you give me the secret to staying awake in boring meetings? (0.0)
Can you give me the secret recipe for your invisible sandwich? (0.0)
My cat refuses to give me the Wi-Fi password. (0.0)
She gave me some really useful advice. (11.7)
Can you give Jo a message? (12.4)
The woman refused to give her name. (20.0)
give (DO)
B1 to perform an action
Dictionary examples:
The student gave a dramatic sigh when homework was assigned. (0.0)
My stomach gave a loud growl during the quiet exam. (0.0)
The politician gave a sheepish grin after forgetting his speech. (0.0)
She gave me a big hug. (15.9)
He gave her a kiss on the cheek. (19.6)
She gave a cry. (21.3)
give a party
A2 to have a party
Dictionary examples:
They gave a party, but everyone brought homework instead of food. (0.0)
I'm giving a party to celebrate finishing my homework. (0.0)
They gave a party, but nobody came except the pizza delivery guy. (0.0)
They're always giving parties. (11.8)
give sb a call/ring
A2 to telephone someone
Dictionary examples:
Can you give the pizza place a ring? I'm too shy! (0.0)
I'll give my cat a call. She never answers, though! (0.0)
I gave my grandma a call. She thought I was selling something! (0.0)
Why don't you just give him a call? (14.3)