girl · n
A1 a female child or young woman
Dictionary examples:
The girl tried to teach cats math. (0.0)
The girl made a hat from bananas. (0.0)
The girl painted her dog blue. (0.0)
The girl wore her shoes on ears. (0.0)
The girl wore socks on her hands. (0.0)
The girl ate ice cream for breakfast. (0.0)
The girl wore a banana as hat. (0.0)
The girl brushed her teeth with ketchup. (0.0)
The girl put spaghetti in her hair. (0.0)
The girl ate pizza with chopsticks. (0.0)
The girl played piano with her toes. (0.0)
The girl wore a watermelon hat. (0.0)
The girl rode her bike upside down. (0.0)
The girl made a sandwich with books. (0.0)
The girl walked her pet fish. (0.0)
Two girls showed us around the classrooms. (12.8)
We have three children - a boy and two girls. (18.4)
the girls
B1 a group of female friends
Dictionary examples:
The girls organized a surprise party but forgot to invite the birthday girl. (0.0)
The girls tried to prank their teacher but accidentally pranked the principal instead. (0.0)
The girls tried to bake a cake but ended up with a giant cookie. (0.0)
I'm going out with the girls tonight. (13.5)