free · adj
B2 not limited or controlled
Dictionary examples:
Am I free to leave now? (8.6)
a free society (17.0)
People should be free to say what they think. (18.0)
The agreement gives companies free access to the markets of member countries. (35.9)
B2 not in prison
Dictionary examples:
He will soon be a free man again. (16.3)
set sb/sth free
B2 to allow someone to leave prison or to allow a person or animal to escape
Dictionary examples:
He opened the cage and set the birds free. (24.7)
free (NOT USED)
B2 not being used by anyone
Dictionary examples:
Is this seat free? (22.2)
free from/of sth
C1 not containing or having anything harmful or unpleasant
Dictionary examples:
a life free from pain (16.8)
break free
C2 to escape from someone or something that is controlling you
Dictionary examples:
She tried to break free from the social conditioning of her upbringing. (66.4)
break free
C2 to suddenly escape or become separate from something or someone
Dictionary examples:
The dog broke free and ran into traffic. (26.2)
The prisoner broke free while the guards weren't looking. (44.8)
a free hand
C2 permission to make your own decisions about how you want to do something
Dictionary examples:
The students were given a free hand as far as designing their projects was concerned. (38.2)
free (NOT BUSY)
A2 not busy doing anything
Dictionary examples:
My cat is always free to nap, lucky furball! (0.0)
I'm never free when the ice cream truck comes by! (0.0)
Are you free to help me catch my runaway socks? (0.0)
Are you free this evening? (7.7)
I don't have much free time. (11.8)
free (NO COST)
A2 not costing any money
Dictionary examples:
The library offers free books and free naps in comfortable chairs. (0.0)
The gym offers a free donut with every workout session. (0.0)
The restaurant offers free water, but charges for ice cubes. (0.0)
I got some free movie tickets. (9.3)
Members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter. (47.3)
We will install your washing machine free of charge. (57.6)