forgive · v
forgive me
B2 used before you ask or say something that might seem rude
Dictionary examples:
Forgive me for asking, but how much did you pay for your bag? (28.7)
B1 to decide not to be angry with someone for something they have done, or not to punish them for something they have done
Dictionary examples:
I'll forgive you for being late if you bring me coffee every day! (0.0)
Will you forgive me if I tell you I accidentally washed your phone? (0.0)
I'll forgive you for eating my pizza if you buy me two more! (0.0)
I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to the kids. (25.8)
She never forgave her mother for lying to her. (28.9)
He had betrayed her and she never forgave him. (39.5)