foot · n
the foot of sth
C1 the bottom of something such as stairs, a hill, a bed, or a page
Dictionary examples:
Put the notes at the foot of the page. (8.7)
set foot in/on sth
C1 to go into a place or onto a piece of land
Dictionary examples:
He told me never to set foot in his house again. (30.1)
put your foot down
C2 to tell someone in a strong way that they must do something or must stop doing something
Dictionary examples:
When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down. (59.1)
put your feet up
C2 to relax, especially by sitting with your feet supported above the ground
Dictionary examples:
Put your feet up for half an hour before the kids get home. (18.9)
put your foot in your mouth
C2 to say something you should not say, especially something embarrassing
Dictionary examples:
He makes outrageous comments and is always putting his foot in his mouth. (50.0)
get/start off on the wrong foot
C2 to start a relationship or activity badly
Dictionary examples:
He got off on the wrong foot with my parents by arriving late. (35.5)
get/rise to your feet
C2 to stand up after you have been sitting
Dictionary examples:
The audience rose to their feet. (24.4)
foot (BODY PART)
A1 one of the two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on
Dictionary examples:
My foot fell asleep during class. (0.0)
I have five toes on each foot. (0.0)
My foot loves wearing funny socks. (0.0)
I've hurt my left foot. (12.3)
bare feet (28.3)
B1 a unit of measurement, equal to twelve inches or 0.3048 meters
Dictionary examples:
My pet giraffe is only six feet tall. He's the shortest giraffe ever! (0.0)
I bought a ten-foot ladder to reach my five-foot-high shelf. Oops! (0.0)
I ordered a six-foot sub. Now I need a bigger mouth! (0.0)
She is five foot three. (5.8)
The man was standing only a few feet away. (18.7)
She is five feet, three inches/5′ 3″ tall. (54.5)
on foot
A2 walking
Dictionary examples:
I'm going on foot to the pizza place. Free exercise! (0.0)
Walking on foot is great! My shoes do all the work. (0.0)
I'm not lazy, I'm just saving my feet for dancing! (0.0)
Are you riding your bicycle or going on foot? (16.5)