fix · v
fix sth onto/to/under, etc.
B2 to fasten something in position so that it cannot move
Dictionary examples:
We fixed the bookcase to the wall. (16.7)
in a fix
C2 in a difficult situation that causes you trouble or problems
Dictionary examples:
He’s in a fix and needs our help. (21.0)
B1 to arrange or put in place
Dictionary examples:
I need to fix my schedule. It's messier than my room! (0.0)
I'll fix my outfit. Right now, it's a fashion disaster! (0.0)
I need to fix my desk. It looks like a paper jungle! (0.0)
I need to fix my hair. (20.9)
B2 to prepare a drink or meal
Dictionary examples:
I'll fix you a sandwich. (16.0)
fix (DECIDE)
B2 to decide a certain and exact date, time, or place
Dictionary examples:
They haven't fixed a date for the wedding yet. (23.8)
Should we fix a time for our next meeting? (27.8)
fix (REPAIR)
B1 to repair something
Dictionary examples:
I tried to fix my bad hair day with a hat and sunglasses. (0.0)
My dad fixed the leaky roof with old socks and chewing gum. (0.0)
Can you fix my singing voice? My cat runs away when I sing. (0.0)
They couldn't fix my old computer, so I bought a new one. (22.9)