fit · adj
C1 of a good enough quality or suitable type for a particular purpose
Dictionary examples:
He isn't fit to be treasurer. (50.5)
see fit
C2 believe to be what is good, correct, or necessary
Dictionary examples:
You can leave it here or take it home with you, whichever you see fit. (48.3)
A2 healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise
Dictionary examples:
My teacher is very fit. She jumps over desks to catch cheaters! (0.0)
My grandma is so fit, she does push-ups while baking cookies! (0.0)
My dog is more fit than me. He chases squirrels all day! (0.0)
I joined a gym to get fit. (22.4)
I jog to keep fit. (28.0)
You need to be very fit to go mountain climbing. (37.7)