first · adv
first and foremost
C1 more than anything else
Dictionary examples:
In spite of being elected to office, she remains first and foremost a writer. (69.1)
at first sight
C1 when you first see or hear about something or someone
Dictionary examples:
It may, at first sight, seem a surprising choice. (24.3)
put sb/sth first
C2 to consider someone or something to be the most important thing
Dictionary examples:
Most couples put their children first. (24.9)
come first
C1 to be the most important person or thing
Dictionary examples:
Her career always comes first. (24.9)
first (BEFORE)
A1 before everything or everyone else
Dictionary examples:
First coffee, then talking, please! (0.0)
First study, then watch TV! (0.0)
First think, then speak, my friend! (0.0)
I can come out tonight, but I've got to do my homework first. (19.4)
B1 used to introduce the first idea, reason, etc., in a series
Dictionary examples:
First, I'll become a millionaire. Then I'll figure out how money works! (0.0)
First, let's plan our vacation. To the moon, right? (0.0)
First, tie your shoelaces. Second, remember you're wearing sandals. Third, laugh at yourself! (0.0)
First, I want to thank my parents. (12.6)
first (FIRST TIME)
B1 for the first time
Dictionary examples:
When I first used a smartphone, I accidentally called my boss at 3 AM! (0.0)
When I first made coffee, I forgot the water and set off the smoke alarm! (0.0)
When I first cooked, I confused salt with sugar in my birthday cake! (0.0)
When did you first meet each other? (10.1)
I first heard the song on the radio. (10.7)
first (of all) or first off
A2 before anything else
Dictionary examples:
First off, learn English. Then you can misunderstand Americans better. (0.0)
First, learn to cook. Otherwise, you'll eat noodles forever. (0.0)
First off, turn off your phone. Now we can start the movie. (0.0)
First of all, I’d like to ask you a few questions. (14.8)
at first
B1 at the beginning of a situation or period of time
Dictionary examples:
At first, I thought my cat was a genius. It was just sleeping on my calculator. (0.0)
At first, I tried to cook pasta without water. Now I have a new black pot decoration. (0.0)
At first, I thought my phone was waterproof. Now I have a very clean, very dead phone. (0.0)
At first I thought she was unfriendly, but actually she's just shy. (32.6)