fire · n
C2 the shooting of guns and other weapons
Dictionary examples:
The soldiers opened fire. (17.3)
come under fire
C2 to be criticized
Dictionary examples:
The government has come under fire for closing the hospital. (23.4)
set fire to sth; set sth on fire
C2 to make something start burning, usually to cause damage
Dictionary examples:
Enemy troops set fire to the village. (55.7)
play with fire
C2 to be involved in an activity that could be dangerous
Dictionary examples:
We're playing with fire if we continue with genetic modification of our food. (61.0)
catch fire
B1 to start burning
Dictionary examples:
My homework caught fire. I guess it was too hot! (0.0)
The chef's eyebrows caught fire while flambéing the dessert. (0.0)
The birthday candles caught fire before we could sing 'Happy Birthday'! (0.0)
The car crashed and caught fire. (28.7)
B1 a small controlled fire that is used for heating or cooking
Dictionary examples:
My dad's idea of camping is a five-star hotel with a fire in the lobby. (0.0)
My dog loves the fire so much, he tries to bring sticks inside for it. (0.0)
I wanted a romantic fire, but I accidentally set the curtains on fire instead. (0.0)
We built a fire on the beach. (13.5)
We put up our tents and made a small fire. (23.5)
It's very cold in here - should I light a fire? (26.4)
fire (FLAMES)
A2 heat, light, and flames that are produced when something burns
Dictionary examples:
The chef's eyebrows caught fire while flambéing the dessert. (0.0)
The dragon's sneeze started a fire in the village. (0.0)
The birthday candles started a fire on grandpa's toupee. (0.0)
The library was badly damaged in the fire. (19.4)
It took the firefighters three hours to put out the fire. (22.3)
How many historic buildings are damaged by fire each year? (26.2)
It is thought that the fire was started deliberately. (39.1)
on fire
B1 If something is on fire, it is burning when it should not be.
Dictionary examples:
My homework was on fire, so I told the teacher my dog ate it. (0.0)
The textbook was on fire, but I said it was just too hot to study. (0.0)
My phone was on fire, so I used it as a hand warmer. (0.0)
If your home was on fire and you could save only one thing, what would it be? (26.4)