finish · v
finish (END)
A1 to end
Dictionary examples:
The fun finishes when work starts. (0.0)
The dog finished all my homework. (0.0)
My energy finishes at 3 PM. (0.0)
The play finishes with a song. (16.7)
The meeting should finish around four o'clock. (22.8)
finish (COMPLETE)
A1 to complete something, or come to the end of an activity
Dictionary examples:
He finished his nap during class. (0.0)
She finished building her pizza tower. (0.0)
Have you finished dreaming yet? (0.0)
Have you finished reading that magazine? (9.6)
She finished the concert with a song from her first album. (19.4)
I'll call you when I've finished my homework. (21.6)
Please place your questionnaire in the box when you've finished. (46.5)
B1 to eat, drink or use something completely so that none remains
Dictionary examples:
The dog finished my homework, so I told the teacher it ate it! (0.0)
Sarah finished her coffee so fast, her eyes were wide open for days! (0.0)
I finished the entire pizza and now I look like a balloon! (0.0)
He finished his coffee and left. (7.5)
We finished the pie last night. (19.2)