figure · n
figure (PERSON)
B2 a person that you cannot see clearly
Dictionary examples:
I could see two tall figures in the distance. (26.4)
figure (AMOUNT)
C1 a number that expresses an amount, especially in official documents
Dictionary examples:
The latest figures show a rise in unemployment. (36.2)
figure (PICTURE)
B2 a picture or drawing in a book or document, usually with a number
Dictionary examples:
See the figure on page two. (13.7)
Figure 10.3 shows the maximum length of the bridges. (34.6)
figure (BODY SHAPE)
B1 the shape of someone's body, usually an attractive shape
Dictionary examples:
I'm working on my summer figure. It's currently in hibernation mode. (0.0)
My cat thinks he has a supermodel figure, but he's just a fluffy ball. (0.0)
My boyfriend said he loves my figure. I think he needs new glasses. (0.0)
She's got a good figure. (12.0)
figure (NUMBER)
B1 the symbol for a number or an amount expressed in numbers
Dictionary examples:
My bank account figures look like a phone number - all zeros! (0.0)
The restaurant bill had so many figures, I thought it was my phone number! (0.0)
The lottery winner's check had so many figures, he needed glasses! (0.0)
Can you read this figure? Is it a three or an eight? (9.1)
He earns a six-figure salary. (23.8)
Write the amount in both words and figures. (24.7)
I looked quickly down the column of figures. (29.9)
B2 a particular type of person, often someone important or famous
Dictionary examples:
Lincoln was a major figure in American politics. (59.1)