feeling · n
feeling (OPINION)
B2 an opinion or belief
Dictionary examples:
My feeling is that we had better act quickly or it will be too late. (40.8)
hard feelings
C2 anger, unhappiness, or lack of trust
Dictionary examples:
I hope you don't have any hard feelings. (19.2)
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but no hard feelings. (19.9)
feeling (IDEA)
B1 an idea that something is true or exists
Dictionary examples:
I have a feeling my computer enjoys crashing right before deadlines. (0.0)
I can't shake the feeling that my alarm clock enjoys ruining my mornings. (0.0)
I have a feeling my cat is secretly plotting world domination. (0.0)
I had the strange feeling that we had met before. (32.0)
I got the feeling that she was unhappy with the arrangement. (34.9)
B1 when you feel something physical
Dictionary examples:
The doctor asked, 'Any feeling of dizziness?' I said, 'Only when I see the bill!' (0.0)
The dentist asked, 'Do you have a feeling of pain?' I nodded with my mouth open. (0.0)
After eating ice cream too fast, I got a brain-freezing feeling in my head. (0.0)
My toes were so cold that I'd lost all feeling in them. (43.9)
I've got this odd feeling in my stomach. (47.2)
B1 Your feelings are your beliefs and emotions, especially those influenced by other people.
Dictionary examples:
My cat understands my feelings better than my boyfriend does. (0.0)
My feelings got so hurt, I cried into my pizza for dinner. (0.0)
My feelings for pizza are deeper than the ocean. (0.0)
You can't hide your feelings from me. (22.5)
I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I didn't tell him what she'd said about him. (29.0)
feeling (EMOTION)
B1 emotion
Dictionary examples:
The feeling of joy quickly turned to panic when I saw the bill. (0.0)
His feeling of pride vanished when he saw his 'A+' was actually 'A-'. (0.0)
The feeling of confidence left me as soon as I opened my mouth. (0.0)
Her performance seemed to me completely lacking in feeling. (39.4)
a feeling of joy/sadness (40.5)
The feeling of loneliness was suddenly too much for him. (44.6)