fast · adj
in the fast lane
C2 doing or getting the things that lead to rapid success and advancement
Dictionary examples:
Their hard work and successful software put them in the fast lane. (41.3)
Fed up with life in the fast lane, Jack gave up his job and moved to the countryside. (48.5)
the/a fast track
C2 a very quick way of achieving or dealing with something
Dictionary examples:
These intensive courses claim to offer a fast track to wealth and success. (49.2)
A1 moving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen quickly
Dictionary examples:
My teacher talks very fast. (0.0)
My grandma is a fast runner. (0.0)
My phone is faster than my computer. (0.0)
My homework finishes faster than me! (0.0)
My grandma's wheelchair is super fast! (0.0)
My phone is faster than me! (0.0)
My homework finishes faster than me! (0.0)
My phone is faster than me! (0.0)
My pencil writes faster than me! (0.0)
a fast swimmer (28.2)
fast cars (29.0)
The fast train to London takes less than an hour. (37.1)
Computers are getting faster all the time. (57.7)