fancy · adj
B1 attractive and formal or having attractive decoration and interesting features
Dictionary examples:
I bought a fancy pen, but it only writes in invisible ink. (0.0)
My cat wears a fancy bow tie to impress the neighborhood mice. (0.0)
My dog refuses to eat unless I serve his food on fancy plates. (0.0)
I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy. (21.5)
Wow - that's a fancy car! (25.4)
B1 expensive, fashionable, or of high quality
Dictionary examples:
I bought a fancy pen to write better, but my handwriting's still terrible! (0.0)
My fancy watch tells time, but I'm still always late! (0.0)
I ordered a fancy coffee. It tasted like expensive dirt! (0.0)
a fancy hotel/restaurant (14.5)
I got myself a fancy new smartphone. (53.3)