fan · n
B1 something that is used to move the air around so that it feels cooler, such as a machine or an object that you move with your hand
Dictionary examples:
I forgot my fan, so I'm using my textbook to stay cool. (0.0)
The tiny fan on my desk makes more noise than cool air. (0.0)
I put ice in front of my fan. Now I have a cheap air conditioner! (0.0)
There was no air conditioning, just a ceiling fan turning slowly. (63.1)
fan (PERSON)
A2 someone who admires and supports a person, sport, sports team, etc.
Dictionary examples:
The crazy fan painted his whole body blue for the game! (0.0)
The rock band's number one fan is a 90-year-old grandpa! (0.0)
The superhero's biggest fan is the villain he always fights! (0.0)
More than 15,000 Liverpool fans attended Saturday's game. (21.5)
He's a big fan of country music. (23.7)