fair · adj
fair enough
B2 used for saying that you can understand and accept someone's opinion or decision
Dictionary examples:
"He says he'll only work on Sunday if he gets paid extra." "Fair enough." (18.1)
fair (AVERAGE)
C1 not very good but not very bad
Dictionary examples:
He’s good in chemistry but only fair in math. (19.6)
a fair amount/distance/size, etc.
C2 a large amount, distance, size, etc.
Dictionary examples:
There's still a fair amount of work to be done on the house. (31.2)
a fair chance
C2 an equal and honest opportunity
Dictionary examples:
All he asks is a fair chance to prove his innocence. (47.5)
fair play
C2 behavior that is fair, honest, and does not take advantage of people
Dictionary examples:
The public needs to feel a sense of fair play from the government. (30.8)
fair (HAIR/SKIN)
A2 having pale skin or a light color of hair
Dictionary examples:
His fair skin turned red like a tomato in the sun. (0.0)
The fair vampire couldn't get a tan at the beach. (0.0)
The fair-skinned man used ketchup as emergency sunscreen. (0.0)
She's got fair hair and blue eyes. (29.5)
He's fair-haired. (47.6)
B1 acceptable, reasonable or right
Dictionary examples:
The teacher said it was fair to give everyone homework, even on their birthdays. (0.0)
It's only fair that if I cook dinner, you do the dishes. (0.0)
Is it fair that cats sleep all day while we have to work? (0.0)
a fair deal (24.1)
He offered a fair price for the car. (28.4)
That's a fair comment/question. (29.2)
fair (EQUAL)
B1 treating everyone in the same way, so that no one has an advantage
Dictionary examples:
Let's be fair: you do all the work, I'll take all the credit. (0.0)
A fair game: you do the dishes, I'll supervise. Deal? (0.0)
It's only fair that I sleep while you do homework, right? (0.0)
That's not fair! You always go first! (8.1)
It's not fair to make me do all the work. (13.2)
I can't spend all my time with one child - it wouldn't be fair to the others. (21.4)
a fair trial (27.8)