expect · v
expect (BEHAVE)
B2 to think that someone should behave in a particular way or do a particular thing
Dictionary examples:
You will be expected to work some weekends. (14.1)
be expecting (a baby) ()
B2 to be going to have a baby
Dictionary examples:
I'm expecting our first baby in May. (18.0)
be expecting sb/sth
B1 to be waiting for someone or something to arrive
Dictionary examples:
He's expecting a raise, but his boss gave him a high-five instead. (0.0)
She expected a love letter, but received a grocery list from her boyfriend instead. (0.0)
I'm expecting a pizza, but the delivery guy is lost in my neighbor's garden maze. (0.0)
I'm expecting a letter from my sister. (15.1)
expect (THINK)
B1 to think or believe that something will happen
Dictionary examples:
We expected a boring meeting, not a surprise party with dancing elephants! (0.0)
He expected a normal haircut, not a bird's nest on his head! (0.0)
I expected my cat to meow, not to start speaking French! (0.0)
He didn't expect to see me. (12.2)
I expect (that) she'll be very angry. (18.5)
We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job. (52.4)