exactly · adv
exactly (AGREEMENT)
B2 something you say when you agree completely with someone
Dictionary examples:
"Surely they should have told us about this problem sooner?" "Exactly!" (29.9)
A2 used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct
Dictionary examples:
I have exactly zero dollars. Can you buy me lunch? (0.0)
The movie starts at exactly 8 PM. Don't be late! (0.0)
I have exactly three hairs left. I counted them! (0.0)
Where are you staying exactly? (24.2)
The journey took exactly three hours. (26.1)
exactly (EMPHASIS)
B1 used to emphasize what you are saying
Dictionary examples:
My phone dies exactly when I need to make an urgent call. (0.0)
The bus arrives exactly when I'm not ready to leave. (0.0)
My dog barks exactly when I start an important phone call. (0.0)
That's exactly why I didn't go. (12.9)
Do exactly what I tell you and no-one will get hurt! (19.8)
I've found some shoes that are exactly the same color as that dress. (29.4)
not exactly
B2 used to say that something is not completely true
Dictionary examples:
"So you gave her your book?" "Not exactly, I lent it to her." (31.1)