every · det
every now and then
C1 sometimes, but not often
Dictionary examples:
We still get together for lunch every now and then. (16.4)
every so often
C2 sometimes, but not often
Dictionary examples:
He went into town every so often to buy supplies. (52.3)
every other day/week, etc.
C2 happening every two days/weeks, etc., not each day/week, etc.
Dictionary examples:
Alice goes to the gym every other day. (11.9)
every (EACH)
A1 each one of a group of people or things
Dictionary examples:
Every teacher loves quiet students. (0.0)
Every student loves pizza day. (0.0)
Every dog wants my pizza. (0.0)
She ate up every (single) bit of her fish. (14.9)
You get a free free pen with every purchase. (25.4)
Every time I go to New Jersey I get caught in a traffic jam. (64.5)
every (POSSIBLE)
B2 as much as is possible
Dictionary examples:
I'd like to wish you every success in your new job. (24.0)
She has every reason to be unhappy after losing her job and her home. (26.5)
You had every opportunity to make a complaint. (31.9)
She has every right to be proud of her tremendous achievements. (37.9)
Every effort is being made to minimize civilian casualties. (69.3)
every (HOW OFTEN)
A1 used to show that something is repeated regularly
Dictionary examples:
My dog eats my homework every day! (0.0)
I change my mind every minute! (0.0)
I forget my name every five minutes! (0.0)
He goes to Ireland every summer. (4.8)
The conference takes place every other year. (15.4)
Every four minutes a car is stolen in this city. (20.9)
Every few miles we passed a disabled car on the side of the road. (34.3)
Computers can perform millions of calculations every second. (64.0)