enough · adv
strangely enough
B2 although it may seem strange
Dictionary examples:
Strangely enough, I was just speaking to him the other day. (36.2)
fair enough
B2 used for saying that you can understand and accept someone's opinion or decision
Dictionary examples:
"He says he'll only work on Sunday if he gets paid extra." "Fair enough." (18.1)
enough is enough
C2 used to say that something is more than is needed or wanted or has gone on too long
Dictionary examples:
The play was dull and I decided enough is enough and left early. (42.9)
sure enough
C2 as expected
Dictionary examples:
He said the book was on his desk, and sure enough, there it was. (23.9)
A2 as much as is necessary
Dictionary examples:
Did I save enough money to buy a pet unicorn? (0.0)
Is my pizza big enough to feed my pet elephant? (0.0)
Is my hat silly enough for the clown school interview? (0.0)
Are you old enough to vote? (22.6)
You're not driving fast enough. (30.0)